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Appalachian State Marching Mountaineers
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Appalachian State Marching Mountaineers (2006)
With 270 members strong, the ASU Marching Mountaineers are a source of pride for the community. After playing for over 20,000 fans every home game, let North Carolina's Band of Distinction show you what it sounds like to play like Champions, for Champions!
An Appalachian Holiday
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An Appalachian Holiday
(Live CD Recording)
This collection of live performances recorded during the 2003 and 2004 Holiday Scholarship Concert provide a diverse listening pleasure from the Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Vocal Ensemble, all the way to the Steely Pan Band.
Holiday Sounds from Appalachian
Holiday Sounds from Appalachian (DVD)
In December 2007, UNC-TV filmed the Live Concert, edited footage, and broadcast. This DVD is the result of the excellent Holiday work that ranges in ensembles and has the power to touch anyone throughout the Holiday season
Major Magick
Major Magick's HOT New Release!
- "This album is so refreshing and unique. Great music to dance to and just chill to. A great buy.
A full course meal for your ears that will groove your soul!"
Defending Brooklyn
My Friend, The Future is the newest full length album from Defending Brooklyn.
This is an atmospheric progressive rock album with solid melodies, evocative lyrics, and innovative vocals.
Do It To Julia
Archie Carroll is the debut album of Do It To Julia and it is clear this band is going places.
It is a powerful indie-folk rock album, ranging from driving intensity to uplifting, Appalachian warmth.
Shirts etc.
For more information on Split Rail and band apparel, contact us at
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About Us
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Named for Mariam Cannon Hayes, the Hayes School of Music enrolls more than 475 students pursuing careers in the music. Over the recent years, the Hayes School of Music has helped develop both business and technical skills for students in the Music Industry Studies Program. Split Rail Records is a program to enhance their knowledge in the music business and give opportunities, not only to the students, but to talented local bands.
Dim lights